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28 Aug, 2024
Beyond frames analysis q2 2024

Beyond Frames - Research Update Q2 2024

29 Aug, 2024

Best Half-Year Ever

During the quarter, the revenue amounted to 41 MSEK, which represents a decrease of 5% compared to the same period last year. The lower revenue is mainly attributable to a slight decline in sales of Ghosts of Tabor as the game has been on the market for over a year. Despite this, the quarter was one of the best in the company’s history, and when considering the half-year, it was the best one ever. EBITDA amounted to -0,6 (4,4) MSEK, with the decline in profitability partly explained by the increased number of titles in production.

Several Launches in the Near Future

The XR market continues to grow. At the same time Beyond Frames will launch three new titles within the next 12 months. Besides these, the company has several other games in production, including one based on a major media franchise with billion-dollar revenues. One of the titles set to launch at the end of September this year is a sequel to a previous hit game, while the other two have already generated significant interest among players. We see good potential for these games to generate strong sales revenue once they are released.

Beyond frames analysis second quarter 2024

Continued High Upside

In light of sales being somewhat weaker than expected, we are adjusting our full-year revenue forecast down by 8% to 198 MSEK. This would result in a pre-tax loss of -7,1 MSEK. For 2025 and 2026, we forecast revenue growth of 13% and 15%, respectively, driven primarily by upcoming game launches and additional revenue from Ghosts of Tabor. Based on our new forecasts, we estimate a market value of 550 MSEK or 32 SEK per share, which is more than double the current share price.

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