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17 Jan, 2025

Beyond Frames Entertainment publishing title GRIM is now available in Early Access on the Meta Quest Store and Steam

 GRIM, the resource-gathering, crafting, base-building, survival VR game inspired by the top-selling PC game RUST, is now available in Early Access on the Meta Quest Store and Steam. Single-developer studio Spoonfed Interactive developed the game in partnership with Combat Waffle Studios, the award-winning studio behind the hit VR game Ghosts of Tabor. Beyond Frames is the publisher of GRIM, helping fund the game's development, and will provide ongoing production, distribution, and marketing support.

"Excitement for GRIM has been bubbling for quite some time, and we're honored to have an opportunity to help Spoonfed bring his years of hard work to eager fans of the genre," comments Ace St. Germain, CEO of Beyond Frames Entertainment. 


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