Intervju med White Pearl Technology Group
White Pearl Technology Group (WPTG) är ett IT-företag som noterades via ett omvänt förvärv av DS Plattformen 2023. Företaget erbjuder ett brett utbud av IT-lösningar och har under de senaste åren lyckats uppvisa god tillväxt. För att få en ökad förståelse kring hur det går för företaget har vi på TradeVenue fått möjligheten att genomföra en intervju med WPTGs VD, Marco Marangoni. Eftersom Marco inte förstår svenska genomfördes intervjun på engelska.
You have communicated that the positive development during the first half year continued into the second half. Could you please outline what areas of your business and countries contributed the most to the outcome?
We consolidated the growth in a proportional way in all the LOBs (services, SAAS, software and hardware) and Africa together with Middle East produced the main contribution.
Recently, you announced that WPTG is launching a strategic plan to expand its capacity in the Global Delivery Centers area with a target to achieve growth in revenue and profit for this business area by 30% in 2024. What kind of investments would you need in order to reach that target?
We are planning the hiring of new technical resources, development and utilization of IP to efficiently manage resourcing and delivery, the acquisition of innovative companies and the right territorial coverage and investing in logistics together with other entities such as local universities.
WPTG is currently operating in many different regions and segments. What specific segments or regions do you believe have the most potential?
Africa, Middle East, Latam have the main potential but once we will be able to activate our GDC we will be a strong competitor even in Europe and North America.
Through an acquisition you have now recently entered the Latin American market. Please tell us about your plans for the region?
In Latam we are planning to have our headquarter for the GDC and the delivery of services and projects for the Americas. Uruguay is our starting point where we will build the regional structure, but we have plans also to be present in Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. We see a great opportunity in the region and have started having discussions with key stakeholders on enhancing our investments and future in Latam.
Throughout the year, AI has received a lot of attention. Do you feel that this has affected WPTG and if so, in what way?
The purchase of 50% of Ataraxy in Uruguay, is a strong signal we sent to the market since we are planning to invest in innovation (meta universe (VR-AR) , blockchain, AI). AI will be part of a specific new LOB which revenue will have a strong impact in the future. Today is finally part of our portfolio.
Some potential investors have expressed that an increased transparency in your reports, such as specifying the regions and sectors contributing to the Group’s development, would have a positive effect on the understanding of the company and in the end also the market valuation. Have you any plans to share more information with the market?
Of course we will do! Just remember we have only been listed for a little over 6 months. We have implemented many new innovations with really good results: we continue to streamline reporting and processes and the market will see more of that in the forthcoming results and reports. In a short time, a new corporate website will be live as first signal for the market and then during 2024 we will 100% ready to provide a more complete data collection related to our activities, thanks to the implementation of new systems.
What challenges and opportunities do you see in the short term?
We identified a huge sector where we are planning to be one of the most important global players in a few years. Today, I cannot provide more detail since we are working to be ready but I promise in a few months I will make public this new great initiative and we will have a great impact, I’m sure.
Please can you give three reasons as to why one should invest in WPTG?
I would invest in WPTG because:
- It gives investors access to the Technology space with all the latest innovations.
- WPTG is a highly diversified company with geographic access, solution, and technology diversification as well as strong exposure to Emerging Markets. Given the various Geopolitical tensions today and potentially the future it makes sense to invest in growth shares like WPTG that is highly diversified and offers Swedish investors something different to what is traditionally on the market.
- WPTG has produced outstanding growth and results in very difficult markets where our comparative shares on the market have barely made profits. This shows that the WPTG business model works and is pretty unique in being able to deliver and grow during what has effectively been very trying and difficult market conditions over the last 4 years.