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24 Jan, 2025

Redsense Medical announces strong closing of Q4 with net sales around 12,7 mSEK

Redsense Medical is pleased to announce a strong closing to the fourth quarter with net sales amounting to 12,7 mSEK and an indicative profit of 5,6 mSEK; This would bring net sales for full year 2024 up to around 28 mSEK. The strong finish is driven by a partial Q3 order delivered in the first week of October as well as further fullfillment deliveries per the quarterly reviews we started with US distribution partners in June 2024.

"The final result is yet to be determined, but with this strong finish we are optimistic about where we will land and look forward to sharing the full picture soon." says Sebastien Bollue, CEO of Redsense Medical AB.


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