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7 Mar, 2025
sensodetect jv kina

SensoDetect and Beijing Haierxi Medical Technology Co., officially register Mind Exploration Medical Technology Co., Ltd in China

On 5 December 2024 SensoDetect AB (publ) ("SensoDetect") and Beijing BHMT Medical Technology Co., Ltd. ("BHMT") entered into a Joint Venture Agreement where the parties agreed to establish a joint venture company in China. 2025 03 26 SensoDetect established Shengde Medical Technology Co., Ltd. ("Shengde") in Shenzhen, China. On the 5 of March 2025 Shengde and BHMT, as shareholders, have jointly established the new company Beijing Mind Exploration Medical Technology Co., Ltd. This marks the start of a collaboration in which Sensodetect AB, in accordance to the above mentioned Joint Venture Agreement, will start receiving license fees of a minimum of 3,4MSEK for the first 12 months and a minimum of 4,8MSEK per year until NMPA approval. After commercialization a percentage profit share will be applied for a market valued at 9BSEK. 

Per-Anders (PA) Hedin
Per-Anders (PA) Hedin
CEO of SensoDetect

I return from China with all the legal entities setup. With it we can now start receiving our license fee, expedite government approvals (NMPA) and initiate collaborations with the Chinese health authorities. First on the agenda for the JV is however not NMPA applications it is to set up the SensoDetect environment in order to apply for, and be a part of, the biggest mental health care project in Chinese history. An imitative that I at this point cannot reveal, but i can say that it will involve introducing the SensoDetect method to the wider Chinese population. Making SensoDetect a major player in of one of the world's largest healthcare markets, valued to be worth around 9 Billion SEK. It is with great pride I now can say that we, with the newly registered JV, have started writing the next chapter in the SensoDetects book of legacy: to revolutionize mental health care through objective and efficient diagnostic tools.

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