10 Jun, 2024
wptg updated financial calender

WPTG updates Financial Calendar and postpones Annual Report 2023 and AGM

10 Jun, 2024

White Pearl Technology Group AB (WPTG) postpones the publication of the Annual Report for 2023 and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2024. The Financial Calendar has been updated accordingly. 

The Annual Report for 2023 will be published on July 15, 2024, and the AGM is rescheduled to July 29, 2024, instead of the previously communicated dates. 

A new Notice to the AGM will be published on the 28th of June 2024. 

Updated Financial Calendar 2024:

Dates in 2024
5th of July: Annual Report 2023
29th of July: Annual General Meeting
30th of August: H1 Report 2024
22nd of November: Quarterly Financial Update (not a report)

The full updated calendar is available on WPTG's website: (http://https/

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