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23 Jan, 2025

Beyond Frames' new publishing title, GRIM, debuts as a top-10 seller on the Meta Quest store

On Thursday, January 16th, 2025, Beyond Frames Entertainment, in partnership with Combat Waffle Studios and Spoonfed Interactive, launched GRIM into Early Access. GRIM is a multiplayer resource-gathering and base-building survival game inspired by the popular PC game RUST.

"The intensity of the survival genre is perfect for VR, and we're happy to see this early adoption of GRIM by players. Building alongside player communities is something we've proven works, and we're excited to take this journey with them again to cement GRIM as another must-have VR game in our portfolio," says Ace St. Germain, CEO of Beyond Frames Entertainment.

As of January 22nd, the game was #10 on the "Top Selling" list on the Meta Quest Store. The timeline for full launch has not been announced.


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