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14 Nov, 2024
irisity intervju keven

Analyst Group Interview Irisity's CEO Keven Marier

Analyst Group interviews Keven Marier, CEO of Irisity, in connection to the company's rights issue 2024. In the interview Keven tells us where the company is today, the focus going forward and why Irisity is a good investment today.

See the interview here

Read Analyst Group’s comment on Irisity and the rights issue here

Read more about Analyst Group (Swedish)

This is a press release from Analyst Group regarding the publication of an interview with Irisity. Readers may assume that Analyst Group has received compensation for making the interview. The Company has not been given an opportunity to influence the parts where Analyst Group has had opinions about the Company, future valuation or anything else that could be considered a subjective assessment.

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